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#1 Mobile App to Connect Players and Soccer Fields Places in your City

Our founders


3 DEVOTED players of Soccer 5 VS 5 believeD that we needED a way to connect between players who do not know , and also THOSE WHO DO know, the nearby soccer fields.


For that reason they began to imagine a plan to have all that information easily ... and that plan was a cell phone where everyone can communicate where they wants to play soccer and pick friends to make a team.
Part of that available information is this:

  • Available fields and prices
  • Available pick up games
  • Available teams to Play With  or against your team
  • Soccer field promotions
  • You are alone, and want to play soccer and don't know where they need another player?  Soccer Connection is your solution !!!

Everything you wanted to know that no one else knows is already here. Download our free app SOCCER CONNECTION.  

Miami ,Fl . Usa

After being in the business of Soccer "5 vs 5" since its inception in Miami, we know what players are looking for and the demands of the administration for this business.


We are now expanding our mobile app to several countries. Our goal is to replicate the success of the Soccer Connection app between players, soccer field managers, and their owners

For Soccer Fields:
Soccer Connection for business is the app where administrators or managers have all the information about available reservations and where they can publish information about pick up games, teams looking for teams or groups looking for 1-3 players. and special prices on available reservations.


For Players
Find a soccer field close to you, find a bunch of players, start to play in different places and times. and if you travel to another city or country configure your app in the new city and find the same information but updated to the new place.

For entire Groups or Teams

Find a soccer field available and at a special price or if you prefer to find a team that wants to play with your team and decide which is the soccer field that you all like, save it  and each player can pay the reservation from your cell phone directly to the account of the soccer field



How does it work

Our headquarters